Saturday, July 24, 2010

What I'm Listening To . . .

It has been a while since I've written a what I'm listening to column, but its always an easy way to get me jump started back into the blogging spirit. If you like this column, you'd probably also like some of the earlier installments of it that can be found here, here, and here. So let's get right into it.

Empire - The Black Angels If the Velvet Underground's 'All Tomorrow's Parties' and the Doors 'This is the End' had a baby, this song would be their louche, abandoned love child. Cool and intense at the same time. I never quite figured out why the black angels aren't bigger stars than they are.  They have new album coming out September 14th (check their website for a sample track).  Maybe that will do it.

The Black Angels sound like Acid Rock with a darker, post-1970's feel. Highly influenced by the drug induced music of the Vietnam anti-war era, the Black Angels modernize the sound without losing the feeling. When I listen to this track, all I can think of is Martin Sheen putting his hand through the mirror in Apocalypse Now. I have to think that was intentional.

The Black Angels - Empire .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Friday, July 2, 2010

To Do List

1. Keep kids alive
2. Keep self alive
3. Don’t get kicked out of the house
4. Don’t get fired
5. Interact with kids
6. Talk with wife
7. Have sex
8. Advance career
9. Figure out what 8 means
10. Take pictures
11. Read fiction
12. Blog
13. Tweet
14. Socialize
15. Everything else