Monday, February 7, 2011

Verbatim Transcript

Son: Daddy, what’s that thing there?
Dad: That’s an empty coffee cup.
Son: Nooooo, that other thing?
Dad: That’s another coffee cup.
Son: No that thing that’s IN the coffee cup?
Dad: That’s a piece of old stale bread.
Son: Oh.


Son: Daddy . . . Why are there coffee cups and bread in your car?
Dad: Because mommy left them in here when she took the car out.
Son: Those shouldn’t be there daddy. I don’t like them there. Mommy . . . Mommy should THROWN those cups AWAY!
Dad: Yes, uhh hmmmm.
Son: You should tell mommy. Daddy you should tell mommy to THROW THOSE CUPS AWAY!
Dad: Ok, will do.

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